Eran Hilleli confirmed speaker of the conference Interactive Experiences at Ludicious X
When: July 2nd, 2020, 6:00 pm
Where: Online conference «Interactive Experiences» at Ludicious X
Tickets: here
Eran Hilleli is an art and animation director currently based in Tel Aviv, Israel. Short films, music videos and various interactive pieces, His work opens the door to faraway lands and mysterious characters inspired by folk tales, Japanese animation from the 80s, and early video game aesthetics. Eran is currently directing the visual art style of SEED an upcoming mmo by Klang Games while also recently co-founding iorama, the studio behind the playful animation app LOOOM.
The talk «Various Animation Inputs» will go through animation workflows Eran has been exploring in his work these past years. Short films, Live visuals and interactive nuggets. Through examples of external information used as animation input, audio, pure waveforms, noise, and interaction Eran will look at the craft of animation in a more playful and musical way.
About the conference
Interactive Experiences. Playgrounds of Life
Last year’s conference discussed games as a playful reflection on society and examined the possibilities and challenges of implementing socially relevant topics in games. This year we want to shift the focus on us as human beings. We want to speak about animacy, embodiment, empathy and the creation of life in the context of games and playful environments. Which methods enable us to create something that feels alive, something we can emphasize with and which appears to have a vivid body and maybe even a soul? How can games as a highly interactive and playful medium enhance the illusion of life and how can they reflect on us and life itself?
A cooperation between Ludicious – Zürich Game Festival and the Subject Area in Game Design of Zurich University of the Arts
Florian Faller (Lecturer ZHdK Game Design)
Maike Thies (Research Fellow ZHdK Game Design)
Anna Lisa Martin–Niedecken (Senior Researcher ZHdK Game Design)